Bill Murawski
Public Advocate

Giuliani Says Activists Caused West Nile Epidemic

by Robert Lederman - July 25, 2000

Watching him react at press conferences you know exactly when you are getting Rudy Giuliani angry. His eyes widen, the eyebrows arch and he gets that same, are you lookin' at me?, expression Robert DeNiro had before going on a murderous rampage in the film Taxi Driver.

On Thursday 7/20/2000 a coalition of environmental activists got Giuliani particularly agitated by filing a Federal lawsuit charging that by indiscriminately spraying toxic pesticides his administration was violating the Federal Clean Water Act, the Federal Resource Conservation and Recovery (of Hazardous Waste) Act and the NY State Environmental Quality Review Act. The suit, in which I am proud to be a plaintiff, also charges that the administration is violating all the labeling instructions that come with the insecticides and is spraying without obtaining any of the legally required permits.

Here is a verbatim transcription of what Giuliani said when questioned by reporters about the lawsuit.


City Hall press conference
Mayor Giuliani

"I think their lawsuit is highly irresponsible. Because it creates all kind of misleading impressions on the part of people. And in fact, maybe over a long period of time the kind of furor that they've created around the whole idea of insecticides has helped to contribute to the outbreak of things like this...This is very irresponsible in terms of what it does to public opinion and public emotion and public feelings. The mosquitoes that are carrying this virus are killers. They kill human beings. Insecticides used in responsible ways pose no similar kind of threat to anyone."

In other words, activists are irresponsibly airing opinions and distributing scientific information on pesticides which run counter to official propaganda that insecticides are totally safe and that spraying them on our homes, streets, parks, waterways and bodies is desirable.

Blaming protesters and activists is a tried and true tactic for the Mayor. When activists protested the NYPD shooting of unarmed West African street vendor Amadou Diallo 41 times, the Mayor claimed we were, "the worst element in society"-Daily News 4/1/99. This so-called worst element included elected officials, ministers, rabbis and even police officers. Giuliani and NYPD Commissioner Safir repeatedly stated their theory that a rising murder rate and a sudden general increase in crime statistics after the Diallo protests were caused by protest signs comparing the Mayor to Adolf Hitler and the NYPD to the Gestapo. According to their theory, the signs caused a drop in morale among police officers who then refused to arrest criminals.

Now activists are even causing epidemics.

Is the Mayor right? Is the information activists like myself are giving to the media and the public needlessly frightening people into being afraid of harmless pesticides? Are mosquitoes allegedly infected with West Nile Virus really killers that must be stopped at ANY cost?

Last year according to the statistics released by the City seven elderly people supposedly died from the virus, yet to date none of the names of the deceased have been released nor have any human or bird blood and tissue samples been made available to independent scientists for testing and confirmation.

The Department of Health and CDC press releases state West Nile Virus is extremely hard to get and very rarely fatal with most of those infected recovering in a few days with no symptoms whatsoever. More people died last year from questionable NYPD shootings than are alleged to have died from the so-called epidemic.

Statistically, your chances of being seriously injured or killed by falling concrete in NYC is far greater than your chance of being harmed by West Nile Virus.

According to the Mayors own press releases only people with weakened immune systems such as the very young, the elderly and people with AIDs or other immune diseases are susceptible to the virus. A weakened immune system just happens to be the single most common physiological side-effect of repeated exposure to pesticides. Another frequent symptom of pesticide exposure is encephalitis. Department of Health statistics show that seven cases of encephalitis is an average number per year for NYC.

The NYC Department of Health press releases also clearly state that children, the elderly and people with immune diseases like asthma are particularly susceptible to getting sick from pesticide exposure. The segment of NYC population that includes these categories of people numbers in the millions. Based on the kind of statistical analysis Mayor Giuliani specializes in, the public health threat from using these pesticides is thousands of times greater than the threat of West Nile Virus.

While the Mayor and the CDC keep telling people that West Nile Virus has never before appeared in North America, the reality is that the CDC, the U.S. Army, Rockefeller University in Manhattan and the U.S. Animal Disease bio-warfare lab on Plum Island NY among others have been experimenting with West Nile Virus for decades. Sloan Kettering hospital in NYC was even experimentally injecting it into volunteers in order to test it as a cancer treatment in the 1950's. Documentation is provided below to prove these facts.

So what do you think? Should activists just mind their own business and let the Mayor spray the City as often as he likes with whatever toxic chemicals are handy? Does the public have a right to weigh in on this issue before being sprayed? Is the Mayor free to ignore all of the labeling instructions that the chemical companies and Federal regulations demand that pesticide applicators follow?

Unlike his frequent free speech violations, which can and often have been remedied in a court of law, there is no way to compensate people once you have permanently damaged their health. A court order cannot restore damaged genes, repair cells that have mutated into cancerous tumors from pesticide exposure or recreate the dead fish, birds, and beneficial insects that have been exterminated from the local environment due to indiscriminate spraying. Our water and air quality, which more than any other factor determines the real quality of life in NYC, is being degraded each time the Mayor sprays. Keep in mind that NYC is an island-which make the massive spraying of chemicals that are never to be released over water completely illegal.

Below is a small sample of the information activists are distributing which the Mayor believes is wrongly influencing people. Want to help? Call the following numbers in NY State Attorney General Spitzers office and demand that they stop the Mayor from illegally claiming pesticides are safe and illegally dumping them in our environment. David Nocenti, chief counsel to Elliot Spitzer 212 416-8095 Peter Lehner, in charge of environmental bureau for Elliot Spritzer 212 416-8450.

Queens Courier 2/17/2000 Attorney General To City Officials: Stop Claiming Malathion Is Safe City officials including Mayor Rudy Gillian and Health Commissioner Nil L. Cohan have repeatedly violated federal and state regulations by offering public assurances that the pesticide marathon is safe, Judith Neck, a spokesperson for Attorney General Eliot Spritzer confirmed officials of her agency have notified the city's corporation counsel to "cease and desist" this practice. Peter Leaner, chief of the Attorney Generals environmental protection bureau, notified the city's corporation counsel, Michael Hess, that safety claims about pesticides are in violation of US Environmental Protection Agency and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Law.

From: ANVIL LABEL Harmful if absorbed through the skin. Do not induce vomiting because of aspiration pneumonia hazard. Avoid contact with skin, eyes or clothing. Do not apply directly to water, or to areas where surface water is present. It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling.

From the Premed website. ( Click Here to visit ProMED-mail's web site.) 


In the 1950's, experiments with WNV were carried out on human volunteers at the Sloan- Kettering Institute of the Memorial Center for Cancer and Allied Diseases, New York. A total of 95 patients with neoplastic disease were inoculated intramuscularly with the WNV topotype strain Eg-101 in an effort to achieve therapeutic pyrexia and oncolysis in them.

Newsday 9/29/99

Area Labs Have Long Studied Virus / Yale, Rockefeller began tests in '50s 09-29-1999 page A28 Epidemiologists suspect that the West Nile virus has for the first time been isolated in humans or animals in the Western Hemisphere, but the virus has for decades made its home in several U.S. research laboratories, including Rockefeller University in Manhattan and Yale University in New Haven, Conn. In fact, investigators there were the first to grow and study the West Nile virus in the United States. The work began in the 1950s when unidentified viral samples from around the world arrived at Rockefeller on a steady basis.

The following are verbatim descriptions of one of many passages from the Giuliani administration official handbook on Malathion.

City of New York Chem-bio Handbook Rudolph W. Giuliani, Mayor

Page #76. Malathion Malathion is a commonly used organophosphate insecticide that causes the same biological effects as nerve agents...Malathion can be absorbed by ingestion or through the skin.

Newsday 11/21/93 Lab Focus Was On 4 Animal Diseases When the military officially closed Ft. Terry in 1954, Army officers turned over to Plum Island scientists 134 strains of 13 viruses collected from four continents, most obtained for development as biological warfare weapons.

Newsday 7/2/93 Plum Island Bird Kill Probed The discovery of the remains of at least 10 dead birds in a courtyard of Plum Island's research laboratory for exotic animal diseases is being investigated by Agriculture Department scientists.

Important Note:
Mr. Lederman has explained that his articles posted here are not to be taken as official statements by the No-Spray Coalition of which he is a member or of the "NO-Spray" lawsuit in which he is a plaintiff.


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