Bill Murawski
Public Advocate

West Nile Virus , the Mayor, Mosquitoes and Immunity


by Robert Lederman (7-31-00)


Our immune systems do an amazing job of protecting us from the harmful effects of an environment filled with toxins, molds, fungi, viruses and bacteria. If a human, bird or mosquito's immune system is exposed to something that surpresses immune function, it will rapidly fall victim to disease.

Government officials have their own unique additional form of immunity called qualified immunity, which to a great extent protects them from being criminally charged, sued or held financially liable for actions they take while legitimately executing their official duties. Immunity is something every living thing has an interest in maintaining if they want to survive.

Underlying the entire West Nile Virus issue-although rarely emphasized in the media coverage-is this same exact issue of immunity. Mayor Giuliani insists he is spraying NYC to combat the threat of WNV (West Nile Virus), which he refers to as a deadly disease. His critics believe the pesticides and chemicals being sprayed are a far more serious threat to human health and immune systems than the virus is. So who is right?

From: Richard Pressinger Chem-tox Research [] "As soon as we start spraying with pesticides the rate of encephalitis infection among mosquitoes skyrockets according to the research in the Journal of American Mosquito Control." [also see: Journal of American Mosquito Control Association, 1997 Dec;13(4):315-25.

The Mayor and his Health Commissioner-psychiatrist Dr. Neal Cohen-routinely quote the statistic of seven alleged WNV deaths in 1999 as proof of the seriousness of the WNV threat. We must repeatedly expose the entire City to Malathion, Sumethrin and Resmethrin their explanation goes, because these mosquitoes are deadly. Add to that their claims that the chemicals being used are completely safe, natural and non-toxic and massively spraying the population appears to be a reasonable response to a very serious public health threat. Or is it?


According to their own press releases WNV is extremely hard to become infected with and only one percent of those do who ultimately become infected develop any perceivable health effects. From: NYC Dept. of Health website:

"Q: What are the symptoms of West Nile virus?

A: In last year's outbreak, most people who were infected with West Nile virus had no symptoms or experienced mild illness such as a fever, headache and body aches before fully recovering...Being bitten by an infected mosquito will not necessarily make you sick since most people who are infected with West Nile virus have no symptoms or experience mild illness".
New Test Could Diagnose West Nile Encephalitis Faster
By Emma Ross, The Associated Press

"Only about 1 percent of people infected with the West Nile virus develop encephalitis, Lipkin said. The most vulnerable are the elderly [whose immune systems are damaged by wear, tear and the aging process], the very young [who have undeveloped immune systems] and those with immune deficiencies [including drug addicts, people with cancer, asthma, HIV and AIDs".]

Last year NYC conducted a WNV study of 677 people who gave blood anonymously at health vans parked in the Queens, NY neighborhoods of Whitestone, Auburndale, Linden Hill and Murray Hill-an area that was the epicenter of the so-called WNV epidemic. Only nineteen of those people tested positive for West Nile antibodies. Of those 19 people who tested positive for WNV antibodies (50% or more of whom were likely to be false positives), none had any major health complaints. Only four even reported a fever or headache.
See: ABC News report on the survey 3/21/2000


Here is something else Mayor Giuliani and Dr. Cohen are not publicizing about the close relationship between immune system suppression and WNV infection.

According to a 5/2000 NYC Department of Health study, of the seven elderly WNV deaths that the Mayor is using as the justification for mass spraying (only four of whom were actually in NYC) three were recieving immunosupressant drug therapy as part of their cancer treatment and a fourth was HIV-positive.
[See: New York City Department of Health, West Nile Virus: A Briefing, City Health Information Vol. 19, No. 1 (May 2000)].

Even more significant, for those who have a relatively healthy immune system, being bitten by a mosquito infected with WNV and developing natural antibodies to it actually makes one immune from further exposure according to the NYC Dept. of Health.

From NYC Dept. of Health website

"Does past infection with an arbovirus [WNV] make a person immune?"
"Yes, infection with an arbovirus can provide immunity to that specific virus and perhaps to other related viruses".>

In other words, the best and only real protection from WNV is to be bitten by an infected mosquito and to develop immunity-which is the immune system response healthy individuals would be expected to have. Having the antibodies in your blood means you are immune.


Excerpted from:
Are Mosquito Spray Pesticides
Worsening the Encephalitis Problem? SOURCE: Journal of the Am Mosquito Control Assoc, Dec;13(4):315-25, 1997 Howard JJ, Oliver New York State Department of Health, SUNY-College ESF, Syracuse 13210, USA.

"In central New York, aerial mosquito adulticide applications[spraying pesticides to kill adult mosquitoes] have been used in response to eastern equine encephalitis (EEE) outbreaks and have targeted the swamp habitats of the primary enzootic vector of EEE virus, Culiseta melanura (Coquillett). The organophosphate insecticide naled (1, 2, dibromo-2, 2-dichloroethyl dimethyl phosphate) has been the insecticide of choice in this region. This study reports on analyses of 11 years (1984-94) of mosquito collection data from Cicero and Toad Harbor swamps in relation to applications of naled. Naled applications were successful in achieving short-term reductions in mosquito abundance. However, despite repetitive applications, populations of the primary vector of EEE virus, Cs. melanura, have increased 15-fold at Cicero Swamp. Preventive applications had no noticeable impact on the enzootic amplification of EEE virus, and isolations of virus following preventive applications have resulted in additional spraying. The possibility that applications of naled contributed to increased populations of Cs. melanura discredits the rationale that preventive applications of naled reduce the risk of EEE. 1) Weakening of Wildlife Immune Systems Due to the recent increase in journal articles finding that low level chemical exposures can decrease the quality of mammalian immune system function, it is quite reasonable to expect wildlife in this immune weakened state to contract encephalitis more frequently. Therefore, one would also expect to see an increase in the numbers of mosquitoes developing encephalitis (since their chance of biting encephalitis infected wildlife has also increased). 2) Damage to the mosquito genetic structures Studies have shown that mosquitoes with a "leaky" stomach barrier allow transfer of the encephalitis virus from their stomach to their salivary glands (after ingesting a contaminated blood-meal). Mosquitoes which do not exhibit this "leaky" stomach condition do not appear to be able to contract encephalitis either at all - or as readily. Therefore, since chemical pesticides are well-known to induce genetic damage in tests in living cells and in animal test models, the possibility must be considered that genetic mutations could very well be occurring to the genes within the mosquito which control proper stomach integrity and that this resulting loss of integrity could be increasing the encephalitis development rate among mosquitoes."

In other words, repeatedly spraying everyone with a rotating cocktail of pesticides is virtually garanteed to weaken the immune systems of millions of New York's humans, birds and mosquitoes, thereby making them all far more vulnerable to a WNV infection. That is, if there even is a risk of WNV infection in NYC.


Is this really an epidemic or an emergency, as the Mayor and Dr. Cohen would like us all to believe? At a hearing held in Federal court on 7/26/2000 in relation to the No-Spray Coalition lawsuit, under cross examination Dr. Cohen admitted that the WNV situation was not officially an emergency. Considering that of this writing [7/28/2000] there is not a single known human infection in NYC this year, it can hardly be called an epidemic either.

If anything, the repeated spraying of these chemicals has created a far more serious public health emergency than the mosquitoes have. Children, the elderly, asthmatics, people who are HIV-positive, people with allergies and cancer patients are among those most likely to have serious reactions to the spraying. How many people in NYC fit that profile? Millions.

"New studies show the number of asthma cases, most of which are allergy related, is set to double by 2020 and strike 29 million Americans. That's more than the projected 2020 population of New York and New Jersey combined, according to a report released yesterday by the Pew Environmental Health Commission at the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health. Johns Hopkins doctors lay the blame for the crisis at the feet of the federal government, which, only two weeks ago, released its action plan on asthma. The docs say the feds spent only a minuscule $14 million dollars in 1999 to monitor or prevent the disease - at a time when allergy-related asthma will cost the U.S. economy a whopping $11 billion this year alone".

According to NYC Dept. of Health figures and public statements by the Mayor, NYC spent more than $10 million last year on spraying Malathion alone and $6 million on spraying Anvil so far this year. That is more than the Federal government spent on preventing asthma, an often fatal condition, for the entire U.S. NYC incidentally just happens to be the asthma capital of the U.S. and, according to the NYC Dept. of Health, asthmatics are the people who are most immediately at risk from the spraying of insecticides like Anvil.

Piperbunol butoxide, which Anvil is mixed with before spraying, is designed to prevent enzymes in the bloodstream from detoxifying the poison, according to Clarke Mosquito Control, the company contracted by the Mayor to do the spraying. Surpressing immune system detoxification processes makes Anvil far more lethal.

Repeated exposure to pesticides is known to have a cumulative health effect. Exposure to a variety of pesticides-as is being done here in NYC-and to the inert ingredients, solvents and additives they are mixed with-has a synergistic effect. The combination of poisons multiplies and accelerates the harmful effects of each pesticide being used and their effect on the human immune system.

Many scientists now believe that Gulf War Illness was caused by exactly such a synergistic chemical relationship between experimental vaccines, a mosquito repellent called DEET given to our troops and exposure to pyrethroid pesticides like Anvil and Scourge, which were impregnated into the fabric of uniforms before the military personnel went overseas. [see: for an entire website on Gulf War Illness].

Mayor Giuliani has acted as a virtual spokesperson for DEET since the so-called WNV epidemic began, personally distributing bottles at numerous public appearances, publicly applying it to himself and having City employees apply it to people at events like the 7/26/2000 Central Park concert that was rescheduled due to spraying. Mayor Giuliani recommends its use in every press release on WNV. [EPA page on DEET:] [DEET manufacturers webpage:]

Logically, if there is at most a minimal threat of anyone becoming infected with WNV-as the City publicly and repeatedly admits-exposing millions to chemicals that are very likely to have negative health consequences for hundreds of thousands of people, an immediately catastrophic effect on the environment and that will actually make people far more susceptible to becoming infected by damaging their immune systems makes no sense. No sense that is if the authorities are actually trying to protect public health rather than harm it.


NY Post 7/25/2000


"I'm sorry, but if it kills animals, it kills animals", Giuliani said. "My job ... is to help protect human life as much as possible."

A number of people have suggested to me that the Mayor is simply uninformed about these chemicals. I beg to differ.

The Mayor's friend, advisor and lawyer, NYC Corporation Counsel Michael D. Hess, personally told me following a City Council Hearing on the spraying that his own father was an exterminator; that he himself is an expert on pesticides; and that these chemicals are completely safe. Rudy Giuliani is a famously meticulous-even compulsive-researcher in his own right. Despite that, he would have to read no further than his own press releases to comprehend that his public statements on the WNV issue run the gamut from exaggerated and factually untrue to statements that can only be characterized as deliberately, maliciously even criminally-false and deceptive. Even the qualified immunity that he depends on to protect him while routinely violating the Constitution, may not be enough to shield him in this matter.

The Mayor and Dr. Cohen keep insisting that the chemicals being used are, "safe, natural and non-toxic", statements a simple reading of nothing more esoteric than the product label disproves. For the entire course of this so-called epidemic the Mayor and Dr. Cohen have insisted on knowingly violating Federal law by their repeated claims to safety. No pesticide can legally be called safe, as the Mayor has been publicly warned by the NY State Attorney General on more than one occasion.

Queens Courier

Attorney General To City Officials:
Stop Claiming Malathion Is Safe

City officials including Mayor Rudy Giuliani and Health Commissioner Neal L. Cohen have repeatedly violated federal and state regulations by offering public assurances that the pesticide malathion is safe, The Queens Courier has learned from the New York State Attorney General's office. Judith Enck, a spokesperson for Attorney General Eliot Spitzer confirmed officials of her agency have notified the city's corporation counsel to 'cease and desist' this practice.

If, as many researchers suspect, the so-called WNV epidemic is actually part of a government sponsored bio-chemical research study-or something even worse-the officials involved in it are grievously violating numerous U.S. laws. Even convicted prisoners being held in NYC jails have specific rights that protect them from being subjected without their knowledge to social, medical or biological research.

From: NYC Dept. of Health website
"Code of Federal Regulations Title 45 Public Welfare Department of Health and Human Services Part 46 - Protection of Human Subjects (45 CFR 46) § 46.302 Purpose. Inasmuch as prisoners may be under constraints because of their incarceration which could affect their ability to make a truly voluntary and uncoerced decision whether or not to participate as subjects in research, it is the purpose of this subpart to provide additional safeguards for the protection of prisoners involved in activities to which this subpart is applicable."

Last year, Although New York City engaged in numerous rounds of city-wide pesticide spraying, the West Nile virus episode it was supposed to limit had already peaked and was on the decline before any mosquito control spraying was started. Giuliani did not save anybody's life by spraying.

United States Centers for Disease Control, Update: West Nile Virus Encephalitis ­ New York, 1999, fig. 1, October 22, 1999,
"The dates of onset of illness for laboratory-positive cases of WNV infection suggest that the outbreak peaked in late August. There have been no recognized cases of WNV infection with an onset date after September 22. "

Apparently, Mayor Giuliani believes Anvil, while safe, non-toxic and natural for New Yorkers may be somewhat less healthy for tourists. Obviously, like our famous rats and roaches, we New Yorkers are a tough breed!

From: NY Times July 29, 2000 Nile Virus Found in 9 More Dead Birds on Staten Island
"In the city, a large section of Manhattan, from 23rd Street to 110th Street, between the Hudson and East Rivers, was sprayed overnight Thursday. However, officials said they planned to return early this morning to spray an area near Rockefeller Center that was not covered because hundreds of people were waiting in line for an outdoor concert by the pop band 'N Sync yesterday on NBC's Today."


In fact there is a great deal of evidence that testing and research of many kinds is a significant part of the government's WNV agenda. You may recall that for the past year I have been alluding to a Japanese encephalitis/WNV vaccine, the promotion of which could be the actual motivation behind depicting this as an epidemic. Here for the first time (that I know of) is a mention of exactly such a vaccine in a mainstream media source.

Excerpted from Newsday 07/26/2000

Crows, Sparrows May Hold Answers

"Trying to figure how West Nile virus spreads At McClean's laboratory in Madison [McClean is director of the U.S. Geological Survey National Wildlife Health Center in Madison, Wis.] researchers are injecting crows with the virus to see how long it takes them to fall ill, how many crows die from infection, and what levels of virus circulate in their blood before death. McClean is also testing vaccines against West Nile's viral cousin, Japanese encephalitis, to see if they protect birds from getting the disease, which is so deadly in crows. While vaccines in humans may not be practical at this point, McClean said the vaccine could protect exotic birds, such as those lost last year at the Bronx Zoo [where pathologist Dr, Tracy Mcnamara not coincidentally was the first person to diagnose this virus as WNV]. McClean injected 10 crows with the Japanese encephalitis vaccine, and then injected the birds with West Nile virus. Six of the crows died from the virus, but the vaccine appears to have protected the other four, McClean said. Without the vaccine, all 10 would have died, he said...McClean's work is part of a multi-agency method to test birds for the virus in New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut."

Thomas Monath, a former government researcher at both the Ft. Dietrick Md. bio-warfare lab and the CDC, is the VP of OraVax, a vaccine manufacturer that has the sole licensing agreement with the U.S. Army for its genetically-altered Japanese Encephalitis vaccine (WNV is a Japanese Encephalitis variation). Monath has been advising Giuliani, the CDC and the other NYC officials heading the WNV response since the first day of the so-called epidemic. The future economic success of OraVax and the hundreds of millions invested by its stockholders depends on a vast public need for these vaccines. Last year on its website OraVax announced that their Japanese encephalitis vaccine, the aptly named ChimeriVaxtm, would be ready for field testing at the end of 1999.

From Webster's Dictionary- CHIMERA: An imaginary monster compounded of incongruous parts; an illusion or fabrication of the mind.

From: Newsday 9/25/99-Deadly Discovery
"Virologist Thomas Monath, one of the country's leading authorities on mosquito-carried viruses, called the discovery ``a bombshell,'' and added: `` This is the biggest arbovirus story of the last 50 years. Wow!'' Monath, who works for OraVax, a biotechnology company in Boston, said he has been working closely with CDC investigators in New York since the encephalitis outbreak began in late August. He is assisting federal scientists in trying to figure out a way to deal with the new development."

Also see NY Times 8/7/98 GERM DEFENSE PLAN IN PERIL AS ITS FLAWS ARE REVEALED for detailed evidence of how Dr. Monath, former Giuliani OEM chief Jerry Hauer, the president of Rockefeller University (where they have experimented with WNV for decades) and Dr. J. Craig Venter, president of The Institute for Genomic Research (the co-researchers and co-owners of the Human Genome Project) have been pressuring President Clinton to spend billions on a nationwide vaccine program against germ warfare.

Scientists have been quietly experimenting with mosquitoes in the NYC area for decades, genetically modifying them, testing which are the most effective at infecting humans and accidentally, deliberately or both, releasing them into the environment.

Newsday 5/9/2000 Mosquito From Asia Could Carry West Nile
"THE ASSOCIATED PRESS In Army tests at Fort Detrick in Frederick, Md. [the #1 bio-warfare lab in the U.S.], japonicus was found to be the "most competent vector" for West Nile virus in a laboratory setting, when compared with other mosquitoes."

Nice to know the Army bio-warfare lab is trying to figure out "the most competent vector", or means of transmission of mosquito born viruses. I guess they are just trying to help people too.

ABC News 7/19/2000 Malaria-Free Mosquitoes
"Scientists Creating Genetically-Altered Insects The mosquitoes are resilient, developing resistance to the pesticides that various countries have been using to eradicate them. So some scientists began asking: If you can't get rid of them, can you change them, disarm them, in effect?...Researchers at Imperial College recently completed the first step in this goal by figuring out how to "genetically alter" these mosquitoes. By softening the shells of their eggs, scientists can now insert a simple gene... "What we need to know is that the genes we introduce into the wild do only what we expect them to do," says Ken Vernick of New York University. "They don't jump to other organisms for example and they don't have unintended consequences in the mosquito." Scientists predict that unleashing any genetically-altered mosquitoes would come with at least some risks, but in fighting a disease as devastating as malaria, some risks may be worth taking."

From: [from Federal Register: March 22, 1996 (Volume 61, Number 57, Page 11812] DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Notice of Intent To Grant an Exclusive License of a U.S. Government-Owned Patent Agency: U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command, DOD [Department of Defense]. Action: Notice. Summary: In accordance with 37 CFR 404.7 (a)(I)(i), announcement is made of the intent to grant an exclusive, royalty-bearing, revocable license of U.S. Patent Application Serial Number 08/348,882, filed November 28, 1994 and entitled ``Infectious DNA Clones of Japanese Encephalitis Virus and Attenuated Strains Japanese Encephalitis Virus Made from the Clones'', to OraVax, Inc., 230 Albany Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139. For further information contact: Mr. John F. Moran, Patent Attorney, (301) 619-2065 or telefax (301) 619-7714. Gregory D. Showalter, Army Federal Register Liaison Officer.

[Note: On 10/4/99 I called the U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command at Ft. Dietrick. John F. Moran is no longer working there but the information about the contract was confirmed. Requests for further information should be directed to the public affairs officer, Mr. Chuck Dasey (301) 619-2736]


Daily News 7/27/2000 Plan to Block Skeeter Spraying Squashed "You have to virtually, you know, drink this stuff in order to have those side effects", {Mayor Giuliani] said of the pesticide Anvil. "There's no risk of fatalities."

Many people are puzzled, even annoyed, by some of the theories I and other writers have advanced to explain what might really be going on in NYC. While these are admittedly theories, they are no more-and in my opinion far less-theoretical than the official line on WNV. Intimations of bio-warfare experiments, people being unknowingly exposed to experimental chemicals, viruses or vaccines and comparisons to the Eugenics policies of Nazi Germany strike them as far too extreme too have anything to do with this issue.

Although mainstream news stories about bio-warfare have become routine and corporations with anti-bio-warfare vaccines in research and development are among the hottest stocks being traded on Wall Street today (see: for an amazing biotech industry clearinghouse with massive amounts of information) for the average person this subject is too strange and too frightening to even think about. Unfortunately, not thinking about it will not keep one from being affected by it.

Certainly Mayor Giuliani and his government advisors do not think it is too strange to think about. When Giuliani appointed Jerry Hauer-a specialist in chem-bio warfare issues to head the specially created NYC Office of Emergency Management (which the Mayor then built a $13 million gas-proof bunker for) he was sending a clear message. Hauer played THE central role in the WNV issue during 1999 and has since gone on to lobby the President to make WNV, emerging exotic diseases and bio-warfare a national priority.

You might reasonably ask why I have a problem with these people trying to protect the American public, and that is the crux of this matter. If only what they were doing WAS about protecting the American public. To quote a gentleman I saw on a recent 20/20 John Stossell special on free speech in which I was also featured, "I love my country but I hate the government".

Despite close to a century of international production of chemical and biological weapons and constant warnings from U.S. government officials and corporate leaders about imminent attacks by terrorists, the only efforts to expose the American public to these substances to date have been perpetrated by our own corporate-run government as it admitted in detail during a 1994 congressional hearing [See Report by the U.S. Congress titled Examining Biological Experimentation on U.S. Military]. Even the exposure of U.S. service personnel to these substances in Iraq can be directly traced back to our own government and its corporate sponsors supplying Sadamn Hussein with chem-bio weapons, including WNV.

While every report on the origin of WNV attempts to put the blame for the virus being introduced to NYC on immigrants, visiting foreigners, water-filled imported tires, global warming or some mysterious unknown cause, the fact that numerous governmental and private institutions have been experimenting with WNV, genetically-altering the virus and injecting it into animal and human test subjects in NYC and in the surrounding area for decades, is almost never mentioned. It is entirely possible that WNV has been in the blood of NYC residents for decades and was never previously diagnosed-or that the public was never previously told about it.

From the Promed website
"In the 1950's, experiments with WNV were carried out on human volunteers at the Sloan- Kettering Institute of the Memorial Center for Cancer and Allied Diseases, New York. A total of 95 patients with neoplastic disease were inoculated intramuscularly with the WNV topotype strain Eg-101 in an effort to achieve therapeutic pyrexia and oncolysis in them." Newsday Area Labs Have Long Studied Virus / Yale, Rockefeller began tests in '50s 09-29-1999 page A28 " Epidemiologists suspect that the West Nile virus has for the first time been isolated in humans or animals in the Western Hemisphere, but the virus has for decades made its home in several U.S. research laboratories, including Rockefeller University in Manhattan and Yale University in New Haven, Conn. In fact, investigators there were the first to grow and study the West Nile virus in the United States. The work began in the 1950s when unidentified viral samples from around the world arrived at Rockefeller on a steady basis."


You could read the quotation above and conclude, "So, Rockefeller University is experimenting with WNV. Aren't they, like Mayor Giuliani, just trying to help people?". History indicates otherwise.

The Rockefeller family [Standard Oil/Exxon/Chase Manhattan Bank/Manhattan Institute] has been the top sponsor of Eugenics programs throughout the world during this century and continues to be so today. I.G. Farben, the German chemical company that manufactured Zyklon-B-the gas used in the death camps-was virtually a German subsidiary of the Rockefeller's Standard Oil. I.G. Farben was also the developer of the organophosphate pesticides used in NYC such as Malathion, which were originally developed as nerve gasses designed to kill human beings-a fact Mayor Giuliani's own Chem-Bio Handbook alludes to [Page #76. "Malathion is a commonly used organophosphate insecticide that causes the same biological effects as nerve agents. Malathion itself is relatively non-toxic, but it is quickly metabolized in the body to maloxin, which is the toxic material. This causes effects similar to those caused by nerve agents...Malathion can be absorbed by ingestion or through the skin."].

Among the 'humanitarian" experimental work the Rockefellers financed was the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Psychiatry and the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Anthropology, Eugenics and Human Heredity in Nazi Germany. Josef Mengele was a direct recipient of their funding and his research at Auschwitz is now part of both modern genetics and Eugenics, the pseudo-science of racial heredity. The Rockefeller appointed head of these institutions was the fascist Swiss psychiatrist Ernst Rudin, ably assisted by Otmar Verschuer and Franz J. Kallmann. All three men were brought to the U.S. after by the CIA WWII (along with thousands of other Nazi scientists and SS officers-see: Blowback by Christopher Simpson) where they continued to promote and do research on the very ideas that had led to the Holocaust, albeit under seemingly more civilized conditions. Kallmann started the American Society of Human Genetics, which later organized the Human Genome Project. The massive overprescribing of psychoactive medications that has become a real epidemic today is directly attributable to the Rockefellers and these same former Nazi scientists who were, along with Hitler and Himmler, the architects of the Holocaust. See: for more on the relationship between the proliferation and present mass-commercialization of psychiatric medications and its direct connection to these same doctors whose ideas caused 270,000 allegedly mentally ill patients to be killed by doctors obediently following the Nazi doctrine of racial purity.

(to the tune of ALFIE)

Not interested in so-called conspiracy theories, you say? You don't really care if Nazi doctors were brought to the U.S. by the CIA or whether AIDs is a hoax or if WNV is a manmade bio-warfare/eugenics tool in research and development-with us as the test subjects?

Okay. If one ignores all of the more exotic theories about WNV and simply looks at the agreed upon facts-facts even Mayor Giuliani cannot dispute-what conclusion does one come up with? That in response to a very mild virus that is extremely hard to contract and almost never fatal the authorities are massively exposing millions of people to toxic chemicals which are:

a-known to cause short term breathing difficulties, asthma attacks, liver damage, the proliferation of breast cancer cells, reduced fertility and long term chronic illnesses b-known to damage the environment, pollute the water supply and kill off numerous agriculturally beneficial insects as well as entire species of fish, birds and crustaceans c-expected to cause successive generations of mosquitoes to become super-resistant to all pesticides d-being used in a manner that is in direct and deliberate violation of numerous local, state and federal laws designed to protect human health and the environment.

Again, it all comes down to immunity. Giuliani and his accomplices have a legal version of it. Chances are, before being exposed to all these chemicals the mosquito and human populations of NYC had a natural version of it.

In terms of survival of the fittest it may just be a war between us and them. If you still think the them is mosquitoes, you may be in for a very rude awakening.
Here are a few more items for your consideration.


Environmental Health Perspectives Volume 107, Supplement 3, June 1999 [Citation in PubMed] [Related Articles]

Pesticides and Inner-City Children: Exposures, Risks, and Prevention Philip J. Landrigan,1,2 Luz Claudio,1,2 Steven B. Markowitz,7 Gertrud S. Berkowitz,1,2 Barbara L. Brenner,1 Harry Romero,5 James G. Wetmur,3 Thomas D. Matte,6 Andrea C. Gore,4 James H. Godbold,1 and Mary S. Wolff1,2

1Department of Community and Preventive Medicine, 2Center for Children's Health and the Environment, 5Department of Microbiology, 7Fishberg Center for Neurobiology, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, New York USA; 4Borikuen Neighborhood Health Center, New York, New York USA; 6Center for Urban Epidemiologic Studies of the New York Academy of Medicine, New York, New York USA; 3Center for Biology of Natural Systems, Queens College, City University of New York, New York, New York USA

Abstract "Six million children live in poverty in America's inner cities. These children are at high risk of exposure to pesticides that are used extensively in urban schools, homes, and day-care centers for control of roaches, rats, and other vermin. The organophosphate insecticide chlorpyrifos and certain pyrethroids are the registered pesticides most heavily applied in cities. Illegal street pesticides are also in use, including tres pasitos (a carbamate), tiza china, and methyl parathion. In New York State in 1997, the heaviest use of pesticides in all counties statewide was in the urban boroughs of Manhattan and Brooklyn. Children are highly vulnerable to pesticides. Because of their play close to the ground, their hand-to-mouth behavior, and their unique dietary patterns, children absorb more pesticides from their environment than adults. The long persistence of semivolatile pesticides such as chlorpyrifos on rugs, furniture, stuffed toys, and other absorbent surfaces within closed apartments further enhances urban children's exposures. Compounding these risks of heavy exposures are children's decreased ability to detoxify and excrete pesticides and the rapid growth, development, and differentiation of their vital organ systems. These developmental immaturities create early windows of great vulnerability. Recent experimental data suggest, for example, that chlorpyrifos may be a developmental neurotoxicant and that exposure in utero may cause biochemical and functional aberrations in fetal neurons as well as deficits in the number of neurons. Certain pyrethroids exert hormonal activity that may alter early neurologic and reproductive development. Assays currently used for assessment of the toxicity of pesticides are insensitive and cannot accurately predict effects to children exposed in utero or in early postnatal life. Protection of American children, and particularly of inner-city children, against the developmental hazards of pesticides requires a comprehensive strategy that monitors patterns of pesticide use on a continuing basis, assesses children's actual exposures to pesticides, uses state-of-the-art developmental toxicity testing, and establishes societal targets for reduction of pesticide use. Key words: children's environmental health, chlorpyrifos, environmental justice, neurodevelopmental impairment, organophosphates, pesticides, pyrethroids.

Environ Health Perspect 107(suppl 3):431-437 (1999).

This article is part of the monograph on Children's Environmental Health and Disease Prevention Research. Address correspondence to

P.J. Landrigan
Dept of Community and Preventive Medicine
Mount Sinai School of Medicine
10 East 101st St, Mezzanine Floor
New York, NY 10029

Telephone: (212) 241-4804
Fax: 212-996-0407

This work was supported by a Children's Environmental Health Research and Disease Prevention Center grant awarded to the Mount Sinai School of Medicine by the the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (1 P01-ES 09584, R827039) and by grants to the Mount Sinai School of Medicine from the Pew Charitable Trusts, the New York Community Trust, the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention through the Association of Teachers of Preventive Medicine.
Received 11 February 1999; accepted 7 April 1999."

From: Newsday 4/14/2000 City Nixes Malathion Spraying Dr. Neal Cohen testified yesterday that if aerial or truck spraying is needed at all this year, the products will be Scourge, known chemically as resmethrin and used last year; Anvil, which is sumethrin, and Agreo Permanone, or permethrin.

Effects on the Immune System "Experiments with laboratory animals indicate that the immune system (used by living things to defend themselves from disease) "appears to be a sensitive target for permethrin activity." Ingestion of permethrin reduces the ability of immune system cells called T-lymphocytes to recognize and respond to foreign proteins. Doses equivalent to 1/100 of the LD50 , inhibited T-lymphocytes over 40 percent. Permethrin ingestion also reduced the activity of a second type of immune system cell, natural killer cells, by about 40 percent.20(See Figure 2.) In tests using mouse cell cultures, permethrin had similar effects on the immune system, inhibition of two kinds of lymphocytes.21 Researchers concluded that "the immune system is exquisitely sensitive … at exposure levels that cause no overt toxicity."20

From: (Meg Feeley) To:

"Anvil 10+10 ULV contains two products listed among the 646 most hazardous by the EPA, one of which is a suspected carcinogen as well.

According to the Material Safety Data Sheets for Anvil 10+10 ULV obtained from Clarke Mosquito Control Products, Inc. Anvil 10+10 ULV contains 10% sumithrin, also known as d-phenothrin, cas # 026002-80-2; 10% piperonyl butoxide CAS # 000051-03-6; 40-78% white mineral oil CAS # 064742-55-8 (56-9), and 1-15% aromatic hydrocarbon (CAS# 064742-94-5).

The EDF Scorecard shows Sumithrin/phenothrin as a suspected Gastrointestinal or Liver Toxicant SOurce: EPA-TRI; suspected Kidney Toxicant (RTECS) and suspected Neurotoxicant (RTECS). Phenothin is on two Federal regulatory lists, as a Registered Pesticide(Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act) and the Toxic Release Inventory list. The TRI list means that if the City of New York were a manufacturer, with an SIC code between 20-39, it would be required to report the toxic release of sumithrin, a product with the dubious distinction of being one of 646 substances requiring such information, due to their exceptionally hazardous status, under the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act.(EPCRA).

Quoting the EDF scorecard, "Chemicals are listed if they are known to cause or can reasonably be anticipated to cause significant adverse acute effects on health at concentrations likely beyond facility boundaries; cancer, teratogenic effects, reproductive effects, neurological effects, heritable genetic mutations, or other chronic effects on health; or significant damage to the environment."

And the suspected toxicants? They come from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health's Registry of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances.

The Internation Chemical Safety Card, issued by the World Health Organization and the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health says, among other things, about phenothrin [aka sumethrin aka Anvil] "prevent generation of mists, This substance may be hazardous to the environment; special attention should be given to fish. " It also states that NO tolerable levels have been established on this substance, and that while "The substance can be absorbed into the body by inhalation of its aerosol and by ingestion." that "No indication can be given about the rate in which a harmful concentration in the air is reached on evaporation of this substance at 20°C. "

Piperonyl butoxide is a suspected Carcinogen by the OPP --that's the EPA's Office of Pesticide Programs. It's also a suspected Gastrointestinal or Liver Toxicant, and Neurotoxicant by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health's Registry of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances. And it was reported as a suspected Reproductive Toxicant by Jankovic, J. in 'A Screening Method for Occupational Reproductive Health Risk.' American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal. 57: 641-649. 1996.

It was ranked more hazardous than most chemicals in two out of three ranking systems: Human Health Rankings Toxicity and exposure potential Worker Exposure Hazard Score (IRCH) and the Integrated Environmental Rankings Combined human and ecological scores Total Hazard Value Score (IRCH). It was ranked less hazardous in Ecological Health Rankings Toxicity and persistence Environmental Hazard Value Score (IRCH).It's also a TRI hemical.

DISTILLATES (PETROLEUM), HYDROTREATED (MILD) LIGHT PARAFFINIC (9CI) CAS Number: 64742-55-8 isa high volume chemical, and on the FIFRA list.

The aromatic hydrocarbon, 64742-94-5 is POLYETHYL BENZENE."

Can The Chemicals In Anvil Cause Cancer? I was recently contacted by someone at the UN involved in environmental issues who pointed me to these websites after reading one of my articles that was forwarded to him. > Environmental Health Perspectives Volume 107, Number 3, March 1999 Estrogenic Potential of Certain Pyrethroid Compounds in the MCF-7 Human Breast Carcinoma Cell Line Vera Go,1 Joan Garey,2 Mary S. Wolff,2 and Beatriz G.T. Pogo3 1Molecular Basis of Diseases Program; 2Department of Community and Preventive Medicine; and 3Department of Medicine, Division of Neoplastic Diseases, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, NY 10029 USA Abstract "Estrogens, whether natural or synthetic, clearly influence reproductive development, senescence, and carcinogenesis. Pyrethroid insecticides are now the most widely used agents for indoor pest control, providing potential for human exposure. Using the MCF-7 human breast carcinoma cell line, we studied the estrogenic potential of several synthetic pyrethroid compounds in vitro using pS2 mRNA levels as the end point. We tested sumithrin, fenvalerate, d-trans allethrin, and permethrin. Nanomolar concentrations of either sumithrin or fenvalerate were sufficient to increase pS2 expression slightly above basal levels. At micromolar concentrations, these two pyrethroid compounds induced pS2 expression to levels comparable to those elicited by 10 nM 17ß-estradiol (fivefold). The estrogenic activity of sumithrin was abolished with co-treatment with an antiestrogen (ICI 164,384), whereas estrogenic activity of fenvalerate was not significantly diminished with antiestrogen co-treatment. In addition, both sumithrin and fenvalerate were able to induce cell proliferation of MCF-7 cells in a dose-response fashion. Neither permethrin nor d-trans allethrin affected pS2 expression. Permethrin had a noticeable effect on cell proliferation at 100 µM, whereas d-trans allethrin slightly induced MCF-7 cell proliferation at 10 µM, but was toxic at higher concentrations. Overall, our studies imply that each pyrethroid compound is unique in its ability to influence several cellular pathways. These findings suggest that pyrethroids should be considered to be hormone disruptors, and their potential to affect endocrine function in humans and wildlife should be investigated. Key words: 17ß-estradiol, MCF-7 human breast carcinoma cells, pS2, pyrethroid, RNA. Environ Health Perspect 107:173-177 (1999)" .
Also see:

EPA's Office of Pesticide Programs LISTS OF INERT PESTICIDE INGREDIENTS LIST #2 "Very low levels of permethrin in the diet of chickens (0.1 ppm for 3 to 6 weeks after hatching) have been reported to suppress immune system activity [9]" "Organ toxicity: Permethrin is suspected of causing liver enlargement of the liver and nerve damage [9]. Effects on the immune system have been noted in animal studies."

WNV DATABASE For a huge database on all aspects of WNV See:

One has to wonder whether the Mayor and other NY State officials that are ordering spraying in the rain, in mist and on days when the ground is very moist intend to kill mosquitoes at all or are spraying for the political and public relations effect, if not something more sinister.

From: Damp weather won't delay West Nile spraying schedule By Pamela Weber-Leaf The Journal News 7/28/2000 ."But the company that manufactures Anvil cautioned that any moisture at all in the air could render the spraying useless. "You cannot do it during rain or even misting," said George Balis, an entomologist for Clarke Mosquito Control, which gained approval for the product in 1997 from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. "You're putting out a small droplet (of the chemical) that you're trying to impinge on mosquitoes, and drops of water will knock it down." Clarke Mosquito Control website

[NOTE: While I am both a plaintiff in the No-spray lawsuit and a member of the No-spray Coalition Bd. of Directors, this and other articles I write should not be construed as official statements by anyone-including the authors quoted in this context-other than myself. Within this coalition are activists with many viewpoints, fields of expertise and professional accomplishments. What we all share in common is an interest in protecting the human, animal and other natural resources of this City and this planet and a profound skepticism about the actions of the government officials involved in the WNV issue.

We urge you to educate yourself and your friends rather than just taking anyone's word, including our own, on this subject.

Feel free to copy, print out, re-post and forward any WNV-related articles I send you and to pass them on to the media.

In order to help accomplish our goal of making the truth come out about this issue we need your help. We seek volunteers to do leafleting, to take test wipes from the sprayed environment in order to identify the actual chemicals used and their residual concentration, to videotape spraying, to answer phone calls, to get petitions signed and to collect reports of people becoming ill after the spraying.

We are also seeking expert witnesses to testify during the Federal Court proceedings- specifically virologists, epidemiologists, toxicologists, professional spray applicators and experts on public health.

Important Note:
Mr. Lederman has explained that his articles posted here are not to be taken as official statements by the No-Spray Coalition of which he is a member or of the  "No-Spray"lawsuit in which he is a plaintiff.


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